Monday, September 30, 2013

Check list for reviewing or writing my weekly To Do List

Kamál {Perfection), 4 Mashíyyat (Will), 170 BE - Monday, September 30, 2013 about 9:50 AM Pacific Daylight Time

After reviewing my weekly "To Do List" this morning, I realized there were a couple of items I wanted on the list. I think the only reason I have for not list them is lack of attention, which is the results of drowsiness. Therefore, I have decided to make a check list for writing and reviewing my "To Do List".

1. Drink at least three cups of coffee before starting the "To Do List".
2. Take a short walk in the morning or afternoon sunlight before creating the list.
3. Check the previous week's list for any necessary additions.
4. Pour another cup of coffee before starting this weekly list.
5. Use check marks or word counts to indicate accomplishments.
6. Use X or dash indicate items not accomplished or completed.
7. Write necessary additions at bottom of present "To Do List".

Some of the things on the list I need to do only two or three times a week. I have to do my A priorities everyday, while I need to do my B priorities three or four time during the week. My C priorities are once a week activities and those can be skipped until the weekend if I need to put them off. As much as I dislike making the list and setting the priorities, I need the discipline.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

International Coffee Day: Thoughts about Coffee

Jamál (Beauty), 3 Mashíyyat (Will), 170 BE - Sunday, September 29, 2013 about 4:09 PM Pacific Time

I celebrated International Coffee Day, the same way I always celebrate it, with a cup of freshly brewed coffee. The coffee maker I use brews twelve and I drink three cups this morning, so I still have about nine cups left. I will warm one or two cups up in the microwave this afternoon, the rest I will save for tomorrow.

I purchased the coffee maker while Mom was still alive. Between Mom and I we could always drink twelve cups and would empty the carafe. Now that I am by myself, I cannot drink twelve cups in a single day. I have fresh coffee one day and then the next I warm my coffee up in the microwave. Perhaps I should consider getting a smaller coffee maker.

A smaller coffee maker would work well in the fall and winter, but not in the spring and summer. When the weather gets warmer, I drink iced coffee. I make my iced coffee with coffee ice cubes, this means brewing, at least, twelve cups so I have enough coffee to freeze in the ice cube trays. I will consider getting a new coffee maker after I move.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Autumn Temperatures in Las Vegas

Istiqlál (Independence), 1 Mashíyyat (Will), 170 BE - Friday, September 27, 2013 about 11:02 AM Pacific Daylight Time

I wake up this morning shivering and thought I was sick until I looked at the thermostat . The thermostat read 76 degrees, the temperature dropped dramatically last night. When I went to bed it was 83 degrees in the house, so I did not use a sheet to cover myself. Tonight I will use a sheet and hopefully wake up a bit warmer on Saturday morning.

autumn temperatures
refreshing cool almost cold
a pleasant morning

It is autumn in Las Vegas with cooler morning temperatures and a wind chill factor. I have not turned off the cool air because it gets a bit warm in the afternoon. I will keep an eye on the thermostat for the next six or seven day to see if it get close to 80 degrees in the afternoon. If the indoor temperatures stays below 80 for the next week I will turn off the unit. In the mean time, I have a sheet or some light blankets to put over me at night.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Thankful Thursday: September 26, 2013

‘Idál (Justice), 19 ‘Izzat (Might), 170 BE - Thursday, September 26, 2013 about 10:40 AM Pacific Daylight Time

Today I am thankful...
  1. That I found an empty memo book when I was cleaning out Mom's dresser. Now I have something to keep track of my daily word count.
  2. That I still have some homemade vegetable soup in the refrigerator. All I have to do is warm it up for lunch and dinner today or tomorrow.
  3. That I have all the worksheets printed of to use in my upcoming NaNoWriMo novel.
  4. That I have all the laundry washed and dried for today.
  5. That it is finally fall and the temperature is getting cooler.
  6. That I was able to make a fresh carafe of coffee this morning.
  7. That I had bananas for breakfast.
  8. That I have the clothes out of two of the closets.
  9. That I have a clothes dryer so that I do not have to spread the wet clothes over furniture.
  10. That this is a beautiful day in Las Vegas.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Two bags of my mother's cloths setting in the hall

Kamál (Perfection), 16 ‘Izzat (Might), 170 BE - Monday, September 23, 2013 about 3:44 PM Pacific Daylight Time

I finished the closet in my Mother's bedroom and removed the remain clothes from hangers. I did not realize there were still so many things left in that closet. I put the clothes in trash bags and sit them in the entrance hall. On Thursday, September 26. a truck will be by to pick those bags and any others I have filled.

I still have clothes in two bedrooms to put into trash bags before I can begin moving out furniture. I will not worry about the furniture or anything else, except the clothes until Thursday afternoon. I need to get the clothes I am giving away into trash bags and the bags labeled for pick up on September 26. After I finish bagging the clothes I am giving away, I need to pack the clothes I want to keep. Fortunately, that will not be difficult because I already have one suitcase packed and ready to go.

The sale of the house will clothes on October 30, so I have to have almost everything out and a new place to live by then. I am more worried about getting the house packed then I am about finding a place to live. My physical conditions makes it a bit more difficult for me to get stuff packed and ready to give away. I know, even though I have to rest between bouts of packing, I am capable of accomplishing this.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

On a Windy Sunday in September

Jamál (Beauty), 15 ‘Izzat (Might), 170 BE - Sunday, September 22, 2013 about 6:47 AM Pacific Daylight Time

The wind is blowing between at 15 to 20 mph. I do not know how fast it is blowing, but I know it is fast enough to slam the patio door and make the limbs of the oleanders move. Since the dead limb on the pine tree, in the front yard, was cut off last week I do not have to worry about it falling across the drive way.

oleander limbs
waving in the morning wind
a new week begins

I did not turn turn the television on this morning. I checked the for the information on wind speeds. According to the information on that website, the UV index in Las Vegas is "very high" and the humidity is 32 percent. As I look out my living room window, I can see that the sky is partly cloudy, but I have to go back to the website to find the temperature. Right now the temperature is a nice 64 degrees Fahrenheit.

Sunday wind and clouds
a nice day in Las Vegas
autumn temperatures

I think the autumnal equinox occurs about 1:44 pm local time. This morning, when I went outside pick up the newspaper, it felt like fall. It is time for me to start hot coffee instead of iced. The temperatures are becoming cooler, so I need a hot beverage to warm me up in the morning. I plan on finishing off the iced coffee today and washing the ice cube trays I use to make my coffee ice.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Midweek Reflictions on Autumn

‘Idál (Justice), 11 ‘Izzat (Might), 170 BE - Wednesday, September 18, 2013 about 11:35 AM Pacific Daylight Time

The Autumnal Equinox occurs on Saturday, September 22, 2013 at 4:44 PM Eastern Daylight Time, which is 1:44 PM Pacific Daylight Time. According to The Old Farmer's Almanac, this is the time the sun crosses the celestial equator. Equinox is a Latin word meaning "equal night".

Autumnal Equinox
brings cooler days and memories
of my childhood.

When I was a child, I always looked forward to the first day of fall. The days became cooler and we began harvesting Grandpa's garden. This mean digging potatoes and picking all sorts of homegrown vegetables. Grandma would can the vegetables and Grandpa would put the potatoes in the root cellar or storm cellar.

Digging potaotoes
anticipating a crunchy reward
childhood memories.

Once the potatoes were all dug, Grandpa would cut one or two so that we could eat a raw potato with salt and pepper. I can still remember the way the potato crunched when I chewed it and how it tasted in my mouth. I probably was not crazy about digging the potatoes, but now those memories are precious because of the time spent with my Grandparents.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Monday's Malady

Kamál (Perfection), 9 ‘Izzat (Might), 170 BE - Monday, September 16, 2013 about 8:11 AM Pacific Daylight Time

Is depression a malady? I looked up the definition and found  that the word refers to a bodily affliction or some type of complication. Since depression complicates both my day and my life, I suppose it could be referred to as a malady.

Is depression worse on Monday then any other day of the week? I have to do research on this question to answer it properly. I know that today, Monday, September 16, 2013, depression kicked me in the face  this morning. The problem could be caused by lack of food, I still have to fix myself some breakfast.

The depression could also be caused by lack of sunlight. I went outside  twice today, once to take some trash to the garage and pick up the newspaper. The second time I had some recyclables to take to the garage. I did not remain outside very long, so perhaps I need to get more sunlight.

Maybe a glass of orange juice would help alleviate the depression. I have a container of juice in the refrigerator and I will open it when I fix breakfast. I am going to have fried potatoes and eggs this morning, with coffee and juice. If that does not take care of the depression then I will have to try something else, but, at the moment, I am not sure what.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Saturday Review of Today Saturday, September 14, 2013

Jalál (Glory), 7 ‘Izzat (Might), 170 BE - Saturday, September 14, 2013 about 5:16 PM Pacific Daylight Time

I ate a well balanced breakfast this morning, which consisted of iced coffee, one of three donuts,  and mixed fruit. Then I went to the bank because I wanted to make a deposit, since the ATM was not working I went inside the bank. Yes, I know I could have go to the drive through, but that is automated and I can never get close enough to the machine to do a transaction from my car.Since I would have to get out of the car to do the transaction anyway, I went inside. I made the deposit and left the bank.

My next, and last, stop was at Smith's Food and Drug where I purchased some needed supplies and a container of Ovaltine. On Thursday, I downloaded an e-coupon to my customer rewards card for this chocolate delight. I bought only the items I intended to purchase, I started to go to a regular checkout; however, only one available had a line. I went to the self-checkout station. I am happy to say that I did not require the assistance of an attendant. I checked my groceries out, paid with my debit card, and came home.

This was a good day. I bought my groceries. I downloaded driver for my printer. I posted to my blog. I am posting to this blog before sunset. I am contented. I could say that I am happy. At this moment, I enjoy living in Las Vegas and I could not have asked for a better day. I think I am finally getting used to spending Saturday's by myself.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Thankful Thursday: September 12, 2013

Istijlál (Majesty), 5 ‘Izzat (Might), 170 BE - Thursday, September 12, 2013 about 5:40 PM Pacific Time

I am thankful
  1. for the cooling rain that leaves a puddle in my driveway,
  2. that the dead limb on the pine tree has not fallen off,
  3. for the birds that scratch in the weeds in my front yard,
  4. that oleander's bloom all year round,
  5. for the container of 2% milk in my refrigerator,
  6. that I have hot sauce to put in my tomato juice,
  7. for electricity to run my computer,
  8. that I have reliable internet access,
  9. for macaroni and cheese,
  10. that I am not depressed this afternoon.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Midweek Reflections: On September 11

‘Idál (Justice), 4 ‘Izzat (Might), 170 BE - Wednesday, September 11, 2013 about 11:10 AM Pacific Daylight Time

I remember,
waking up too late
to watch the morning news.

I remember,
driving to work
in unusually heavy traffic.

I remember,
the shock
when I arrived at work
and saw the new online.

I remember,
watching the news websites all day,
but I don't remember driving home.

I remember,
arriving home
and turning on the television.

I cannot forget
this day in history.

Monday, September 09, 2013

Monday Decisions

Kamál (Perfection), 2 ‘Izzat (Might), 170 BE - Monday, September 9, 2013 about 6:47 PM Pacific Daylight Time

I decided that I will not renew my subscription to a daily newspaper because I have access to all the news I want to hear or read online.

I decided that I want to move into a studio apartment because they are easier to keep clean then a one bedroom apartment.

 I decided that I do not want to keep a land line because I have a cell phone and I do not need both.

I am considering giving up television because I can find most of the shows I enjoy watching online.

Friday, September 06, 2013

I like evening clouds

Istiqlál (Independence), 18 Asmá’ (Names), 170 BE - Friday, September 7, 2013 about 6:04 PM Pacific Daylight Time

I like evening clouds,
they make a refreshing end to the day.

Their gray beauty
reminds me of summer showers
in Oklahoma.

Thursday, September 05, 2013


sun illuminates
the evening's clouds transforming
them from white to gray

as the sun descends
the clouds darken with the night
another day gone

Monday, September 02, 2013

Monday: Labor Day 2013 – A Labor Day wish in Las Vegas

Kamál (Perfection), 14 Asmá’ (Names), 170 BE – Monday, September 2, 2013 about 4:43 PM Pacific Daylight Time

I wish I had a job to go to so that I could enjoy staying home from work on Labor Day. I would enjoy staying home if I worked out of the house and could bring in a little extra money. I am not sure what type of job I would want probably something that let me get a little exercise, but also let me work online or at least on a computer.

I did not know how much I enjoyed working outside the house. I want a job that lets me work four or five days a week, with weekends off. All though, I am not sure what I would do on the weekend. In summer, I could go to a park and have a picnic, but a picnic is more fun with two or more people. I wonder how much fun it would be by myself.

I could go to a restaurant. I would still be alone; however, I would be in a crowded place where groups of people are enjoying conversation and food. It may be interesting enjoy the ambience and write poetry while I was eating. I enjoy writing poetry and it is something I could do while I eat. Still, it is not much fun going to a restaurant alone.

I do not have a job to go to, so that I could enjoy a Labor Day off. I suppose I could try some of these things. I could see how enjoyable they are when I am alone.