Saturday, March 19, 2011

Today my mother is 90 years old

Jalál (Glory), 18 ‘Alá (Loftiness), 167 BE – Saturday, March 19, 2011 about 5:31 PM Pacific Time

My mother was born on March 19, 1921 on a farm in Oklahoma. In the years since her birth, Mom has witnessed many changes in the world. When Mom was born, the doctor had a car. In fact, he was the only individual in the town closest to my grandparent’s farm that had a car. My mother witnessed many history-making events.

My mother is 90 years old. Mom witnessed the first television sits come into existence. She witnessed humanity’s first steps into the universe. Mom saw the first human being place his feet on the moon.

My mother was born in the 20th century. My mother now lives in the 21st century. Mom saw medical history made and several diseases conquered. There is one disease that has not been conquered and is still devastating families. That disease is Alzheimer’s disease.

My mother has Alzheimer’s disease. I do not know how much longer I will have my mother with me. I do not know how much longer my mother will remember me. Every morning when I wake up, I do not know if my mother will be angry or in a good mood. I live one day at a time wondering how this disease will manifest itself.

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