Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I’m going to be using a Solar dryer for a while

‘Idál (Justice), 2 Jamál (Beauty), 166 BE – Wednesday, April 29, 2009 about 2:39 PM Pacific Time

My electric dryer went out, it doesn't dry cloths anymore. It runs, it just doesn't dry the cloths so there isn't any reason to use it for anything other then a counter to hold objects. I'm going back to the old fashion way of drying cloths. I'm going to use a solar dryer, i.e. a cloths line and cloths pins.

I'm going to have to get a new cloths line though because part of the line I'm using broke and fell down. I can't get it to stay up so I'm going to have to get some cloths line cord or something similar to put up.

Hanging cloths on a cloths line brings back some fond memories from my childhood. My grandmother always hung her cloths out to dry. I remember grandpa put up a thick wire to hang the cloths on. I wonder if you can still get something like that to hang cloths on. I'll have to see when I go to the store on Friday or Saturday. In the mean time, I'm going to have to work with what I have.

I can hang a few cloths on the patio, but not sheets because sheets don't dry properly that way. Besides the sheets wrinkle if they're hung on the patio. If they wrinkle, then they have to be ironed and I don't deal well with ironing sheets.

My grandmother ironed sheets and my mother ironed sheets when she was young. In my 62 years, I don't remember every ironing sheets and it's something I'm not looking forward to doing. All though, I have to admit it would be a new experience and one shouldn't reject new experiences without careful consideration.

1 comment:

Nick said...

They do still sell heavy wire for clotheslines, but now it is usually encased in green plastic. Works well though.

Here is the clothes drying rack I use indoors. Works real nice to set it under a ceiling fan. It would hold a bedsheet easily.