Thursday, April 16, 2009

I need more cereal bowls

Istijlál (Majesty), 8 Jalál (Glory), 166 BE – Thursday, April 16, 2009 about 6:47 PM Pacific Time

I have three cereal bowls left from three different sets of dishes. I have a cupboard full of dinner plates, some with chips out of them, but still usable. I have saucers and medium sized plate, but only three cereal bowls. Now with only two people in the house you wouldn't think there would be a problem. However, there is a problem and that is I can't put the cereal bowls in the dishwasher because we don't run that until its full.

I've watched the local freecycle group, but haven't found any cereal bowls that aren't attached to sets of plates. I don't want an entire set of dinner plates, I just want more cereal bowls. I like to use cereal bowls for other thing then just cereal. I cut my apples into small pieces so that I can eat the apple. I put the pieces in a cereal bowl and then decide I want a bowl of cereal, but I don't have another bowl because my mother likes to do the same thing with her fruit.

Three cereal bowls aren't enough for two people. Two people need at least four cereal bowls. Eight cereal bowls is even better because we might want something else on the side such as ice cream or Jell-O. Of course, I could always put my ice cream on my cereal, I've never tried ice cream on cereal so it might be good. At least, with ice cream I wouldn't have to add sugar to the cereal the way I do with milk.

I think I'll go to one of the dollar stores next week and see if I can get some more cereal bowls. Since I have three bowls, I only need to get five more to make a set of eight. Eight cereal bowls would go nicely with my mismatched set of coffee cups.

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