Saturday, April 18, 2009

Friday seems like a lost day

Jalál (Glory), 10 Jalál (Glory), 166 BE – Saturday, April 18, 2009 about 2:17 PM Pacific Time

Friday seems like a lost day. My mother and I spend almost the entire day in doctors' offices and didn't get home until about 2:00 PM. After we came home and ate, we went to the bank, got gas, went to the grocery store, came home again and ate.

The next time we spend the entire day in doctors' offices, I'm taking a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with me. I ate breakfast before we left at 8:55 AM, but didn't eat anything else until we returned home at about 2:05 PM. My ulcer didn't like that and as a results, I wasn't feeling very good when we got home. We ate, which calmed my ulcer and then we took the two checks which came through the mail and went to the bank.

Anyway, Friday seems like a lost day because the only thing I wrote were a couple of poems that morning. I didn't get them posted to the poetry journals until today and I'm behind on everything else. I always get behind when we're out all day. I know it can't be helped, but that doesn't make catching up any easier. I did learn one thing after yesterday's experience and that was to take a sandwich with me when I suspect I'm going to be out of the house all day.

I guess a day isn't last if you learn something from the experience. Still I'm in the process of catching up with things I was already behind on. I'm going to close this now because I just heard the mail drop through the slot in the door. I'm expecting another check, which I hope comes today. However, it probably won't come until sometime next week, but I'm going to remain hopeful.

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