Thursday, May 05, 2016

Morning Rituals

Istijlal (Majesty), 9 Jamál (Beauty), 173 BE - Thursday, May 5, 2016 about 5:44 AM Pacific Daylight T ime 

Morning always seems to come so early. It wakes up slow and stretching wondering what the day will bring. Each morning brings specific rituals that help the morning and myself wake up to face  the unknown possibilities of the day. Some morning rituals are about the same for everyone, so there is no need to go into those. Other rituals are different for each person waking up. 

My morning rituals consist of taking my thyroid medication before I even get out of bed, or in my case up off the recliner. I recite the morning prayer by heart, turn on the light, put on the coffee, and change from my nightclothes into my day clothes. Sometimes I change into my day clothes before I turn on the light or begin brewing the coffee. 

Morning rituals are comforting and give some stability to the day.  Stability is necessary to keep a person on track and moving forward undepressed. However, I think one should change the ritual are periodically and shake things up. That's why I waited until after I begin this entry to go into the kitchen to pour myself a cup of coffee. Usually I get my coffee before I begin composing poetry or blog entries.  

On my way back to the computer from the kitchen, I stopped to look out my front window. I wanted to see what the neighbor's dog was barking at. I still don't know why she was barking this early in the morning because she usually doesn't back at anything until later in the morning. There was one car parked across the street this morning. 

Most of the neighbors move their cars into the alleys behind the apartment buildings on Thursday because this is the day the street sweeper is supposed to clean Sunrise Avenue. We have to move the cars in back of the buildings because they give tickets to those cars still parked in front when the street cleaner drives past. I can tell you from experience that a parking ticket for that is $20.00. 

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