Sunday, May 08, 2016

Happy Mothers' Day 2016

Jamal (Beauty), 12 Jamál (Beauty), 173 BE - Sunday, May 8, 2016  about 10:21 PM Pacific Daylight Time 

Happy Mothers' Day 
May all your memories be 
Tear producing joy 

This morning I'm thinking about the daughter I gave up for adoption, my mother, and grandmothers, which causes be to be a bit melancholy. I say melancholy because I'm not really depressed, but a bit sad. Since I know why I'm sad I suppose that melancholy is an overstatement. According to the dictionary melancholy refers to sadness without an obvious cause. Since I know why I'm sad then I probably just plain sad and not melancholy. 
Remember Mama 
Her love for scarlet roses 
Chocolate candy 

I miss Mama, especially on holidays we always celebrated together. Mothers' Day was always one of those days. I remember Mama always liked prime rib with baked potatoes, so we would go out for prime rib whenever we got a chance and the money. Mama liked to have the creamed horseradish with her piece of beef while I preferred raw horseradish. I still prefer my horseradish raw, but sometimes I'll get the other type because it reminds me of Mama. 
Remember Grandma 
She enjoyed baking cookies 
For her grandchildren 

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