Tuesday, April 05, 2016

Tuesday Afternoon in Las Vegas

Fidal (Grace), 17 Bahá (Splendour), 173 BE - Tuesday, April 5, 2016 about 6:18 PM Pacific Daylight Time

On Tuesday afternoon
in my neighborhood
the temperature rose
to 87 degrees.

It's getting warmer in the afternoon and early evening so I'm going to start taking my walks in the morning between 8:00 and 9:00 AM. If I set that time for my walk then I can walk about 30 minutes. Tomorrow I might try walking down to the end of the block and then around the corner up to the alley. I'm not sure how long that walk takes, but it seems to be a bit easier then going the other way.

Is my life boring?
My muse finds it exciting:
I like the people.

All though walking east instead of west is more interesting because I always encounter people which gives me a chance to stop and talk. If I walk west and then turn the corner to walk up to the alley I don't encounter many people. Friday is the exception because someone holds a yard sale in the parking lot of the corner apartment house that day.

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