Saturday, April 16, 2016

Creation Saturday: Time to Create Something

Jalal (Glory), 9 Jalál (Glory) 173 BE - Saturday, April 16, 2016 about 10:18 AM Pacific Daylight Time

It's creation Saturday! It's time to create something. Time to exercise my muse, imagination, and creativity. Not that I don't exercise these attributes everyday, but today is the day I attempt to get outside the box to create something different or find a new theme for my blogs, poems, or stories.

Creation Saturday
the day my muse takes a walk
not down memories lane
but across the internet to find
a new subject to use to create
a story, poem, or blog entry.

Today I don't have to look very far for a subject to research. I'm participating in a 30-dau poetry challenge on In this challenge, which started yesterday, I write a poem each day based on prompts given by the by the judges. Yesterday's prompt concerned a birthday poem. In today's prompt we (the participants) pick one of three phrases to use in the poem. These phrases are (1) old winds, (2) unfinished journal or (3) possibles bag. I've decided to use possibles bag in the challenge poem. I will save the other two phrases to use in other poems or stories.

What will you create
on Creation Saturday?
A poem,
a new sandwich,
a story,
a new coffee creation
with chocolate
or some other
exotic flavor.

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