Sunday, April 12, 2015

Spiritual Sunday: The Second Sunday in April

Jamal (Beauty), 4 Jalál (Glory), 172 BE - Sunday, April 12, 2015 about 12:26 pm Pacific Daylight Time

On the second Sunday in April,
I contemplate
the coming week
and wonder
what blessings are in store for me.

At 11:56 am the temperature in Las Vegas was 79 degrees Fahrenheit, with a predicted high of 88 degrees. Tomorrow's predicted high is supposed to be 87 degrees, but after that the temperature is supposed to go down into the low 80s or high 70s. I will keep a close eye on the temperature today because if it does get up to 88 degree I will have to turn on the cool air. If I turn on the air then I have to close the door and I do not like to have my door closed because I cannot see what is going on in my neighborhood.

On the second Sunday in April,
I listen to the neighborhood children
shouting joyfully
while I nibble on fresh vegetables
for my noonday snack.

It is about 12:41 pm Pacific Daylight Time, the sky is partly covered with thin clouds. The wind is not blowing today so neither the limbs of the trees nor the litter in the street is moving. People walking past my apartment are dressed for a warm spring afternoon. The dogs and the cats are in doors. The birds are silent, but then the birds are always silent in the afternoon. I think that is because they bless the morning with their songs.

On the second Sunday in April,
I intone my noonday prayer
and then listen to a Harley-Davidson echo
through the neighborhood.

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