Sunday, January 20, 2013

Morning Coffee in Las Vegas

Jamál (Glory), 2 Sulṭán (Sovereignty), 169 B.E. - Sunday, January 20, 2013 about 8:35 A.M. Pacific time

This morning, I am drinking coffee from Mom's favorite coffee cup. The design on the cup is a man playing a musical instrument, I think  the instrument is called a base fiddle. Mom always like to drink her coffee from this cup, so I decided to put my coffee in it today. I  believe this decision has something to do with missing Mom.

Mom and I always preferred our coffee dark and strong, but when she became ill I changed to a lighter blend of coffee. I did not change to decaf because neither of us liked it, I think it had something to do with the taste or the way it made us feel when we drink it. This year, I changed back to the darker blends of coffee because I prefer the taste.

Normally, I do not drink more then one or two cups a day even though I make coffee in a 12-cup carafe. When I have leftover coffee, I use the microwave to warm it up the next day. There is no use wasting a good cup of coffee, especially when warmed over coffee taste almost as good as fresh coffee. Of course, I use a drip coffee maker instead of a percolator. Because of the way a percolator works it brews stronger coffee.

1 comment:

The Writers Blog -- Joanne Nakaya said...

I like my coffee dark also. Do you miss our days at CCSN? I think of them and how we all worked together. How Julie is gone, and everyone else scattered. sometimes it makes me feel scattered too.

I know you review the posts before you post them. Contact me if you'd like. If not, I guess that will have to be okay too.