Friday, January 11, 2013

My first afternoon nap in 2013

Istiqlal (Independence), 12 Sharaf (Honor), 169 B.E. - Friday, January 11, 2013 about 2:00 P.M.

wind in the oak tree
a chilly and cloudy day
no birds are singing

The wind is blowing and the limbs of the neighbors trees are waving. The limbs of my tree is probably also waving, but I cannot see it. The clouds hide the sun, so there are no shadows cast today. This afternoon I am sleepy; therefore, I am going to turn the computer off and attempt to take a nap. This is the first time this year I considered an afternoon nap.

I will take my prayer book with me so that I can say prayers before trying to go to sleep. I am not sure I will be able to sleep because, but I will give it a try. If I cannot sleep then I will get up and wash the dishes or something.

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