Monday, December 12, 2011

Another reason I need an electric dryer

Kamál (Perfection), 1 Masá’il (Questions), 168 BE – Monday, December 12, 2011 about 10:45 AM Pacific Time

My first reason is the difficulty I have hanging sheets on the line outside. Rain is the second reason I need an electric clothes dryer. I realized yesterday, when I hung four sheets on the line how difficult it was becoming. I am not sure what causes this problem. I could be issues with my rotator cuff or arthritis, but whichever it is it makes hanging clothes, especially sheets hard.

In order to hang a sheet on the line, I have to stretch my arms over my head to reach the clothesline. I do not know how my Grandmother did it, but she hung clothes on an outside line all the time. Grandma’s clothesline like mine was taller then her, yet she hung sheets neatly on the line. I cannot manage hanging them that way, my sheets always seem to hang lop sided on the clothesline. My sheets look pathetic hanging lopsided on the cloths line and if I am not careful, they drag on the ground when I turn the line.

Grandma did not have to worry about sheets dragging on the ground because her clothesline did not turn. My clothesline turns; I like this feature because I can stand in one place and turn the line instead of dragging a basket full of clothes across the yard.

Today is cloudy and the meteorologist predicted rain, so I cannot hang any of the clothes on the line. Fortunately, I have a drying rack so I can wash and hang the clothes on the rack.

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