Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I need to take a different approach

‘Idál (Justice), 14 Nur (Light), 165 B.E. – Wednesday, June 18, 2008 about 7:04 PM PDT

Well, summer is finally here and I've realized that I need to take a different approach to writing and doing housework. I like to write and I have to do housework. I'm not saying that I like housework nor am I saying that I dislike it. There are things about it that I enjoy, however if I had the choice I would prefer to write.

Lately all I do is spin my wheel and get now where fast. I will be off my part-time job for thirteen days. I have thirteen days to figure out a schedule that will allow me to work, do housework and write (not necessarily in that order). I've thought about how I did schedules in the past. None of them worked. When something happened to interrupts I stressed.

My new approach is simple. I make a list of prioritized items and times in which to complete them. Assign a specific day to a particular room, then break down the tasks in that room and get to work. I do the same with my writing goals. Assign a specific day to work on a particular writing project. I'm not sure how all this will work out, I know that there are going to be interruptions. I know thee will be days when I get very little accomplished and days when I get a lot accomplished. However, I should have the schedule worked out by the time I go back to work. That is God willing and the creeks don't rise.

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