Thursday, September 22, 2016

Autumnal Equinox 2016

Istijlál (Majesty), 16 ‘Izzat (Might), 173 BE - Thursday, September 22, 2016 AD about 12:16 Pacific Daylight Time 

In Las Vegas the wind is blowing 
Carrying litter 
Up and down the city's streets and avenues 
And depositing it into drainage inlets 
Blocking them and  preventing rainwater 
From draining into the flood control systems 
Potentially causing flooded roadways. 

I know this is a problem in every large city and small town across the nation. People throw their trash out car windows without thinking of the consequences of their actions. Maybe they think that the city's street sweeping equipment will pick up the litter before the next rain, but that isn't always true. The street sweeping machine usually passes through a neighborhood once a week, but it could rain before the machine passes or the litter could be too large for the machine to handle. If the litter is too large for the city equipment then other removal means are necessary. Sometimes a city can't pay for the other means or it rains before the scheduled time. 

I don't know if this entry will cause people to think about the consequences of throwing trash out the window of their cars. I suspect the people who do that won't think this entry applies to them (if they read the entry). 

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