Monday, September 19, 2016

Frustration Encourages Change

Kamál (Perfection), 13 ‘Izzat (Might), 173 BE - Monday, September 19, 2016 AD about Sunset Pacific Time 

I'm getting frustrated with surveys again. I think it's about time I cut down the number of survey groups I belong to. I have a couple sent to my g-mail inbox that I'm not qualifying for anymore. I'm not sure what is causing the problem, but I suspect I'm in the wrong demographic range. I'm taking this to mean that it's about time I withdrew and focused on something a little less frustrating. I hate to give up the  points I have in my accounts, but if I can't increase the points by the end of 2016 then I'm going to accept the lose and withdraw. 

I'm too old to be frustrated all the time because it isn't good for my health. Attempting to qualify for surveys takes time and it cuts into my writing time. I would rather write then do surveys. I enjoy writing and I don't enjoy the surveys any more. I think that's the answer to my problem. I hate admitting defeat, but perhaps it isn't admitting defeat. I think I need to change my view of the process and move on to something that is more satisfying. 

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