Tuesday, September 06, 2016

Trepidation Tuesday: I used to enjoy doing surveys

Fiḍál (Grace), 19 Asmá’(Names), 173 BE - Tuesday, September 6, 2016 AD about 3:08 PM Pacific Daylight Time 

Trepidation Tuesday may be too strong a title for this entry, but the agitation part of trepidation isn't. I'm agitated because I used to enjoy doing survey and lately they've become a chore. I no longer enjoy doing survey. I don't know why I don't  enjoy them anymore. Perhaps it's because it takes so long with so little reward at the end. Another reason is that I belong to too many survey groups. Therefore, I've decided to unsubscribe to some of the groups. 

This afternoon, I unsubscribed to two groups without checking the amount of points I had in them. I thought I would be upset because of the points, but I'm not. I feel better. I feel relaxed. I even smiled during the last survey I took even thought I didn't qualify for any points. I think that means I did the right thing by unsubscribing to  the two survey groups. I'm going to unsubscribe to a couple more because those aren't paying off like I thought they would when I joined them.  

It doesn't matter how much I might need the money that the accumulated points will equal. If I'm not enjoying the surveys then I'm not doing them with the proper attitude. It's the attitude that counts because when I enjoy the surveys I'm more likely the read and understand the questions. I can then think about my answers instest of just getting through the survey. 

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