Saturday, November 07, 2015

It is November

Jalal (Glory), 4 Qudrat (Power), 172 BE - Saturday, November 7, 2015 about 4:27 PM Pacific Standard Time

It is November. It is a sad month form me because three years ago, on November 29, my mother died. My mother's soul passed into the Garden of Paradise. My mother's spirit is free of the Alzheimer's that ravaged her mind and body. I remember that my mother died peacefully. I remember seeing her in the bed after her spirit left her body. I remember she looked so peaceful.

The first year after my mother's death is a fog. I just went on from day to day doing what I had to do without considering anything except what was necessary to keep myself alive. Things are better for me. My life started to improve in 2014 when I moved out of the house Mom and I shared. My situation has gotten a whole lot better this and I expect it to continue to improve.

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