Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Catching up on Tuesday afternoon

Fidal (Grace), 7 ‘Qudrat (Power), 172 BE - Tuesday, November 10, 2015 about 4:08 PM Pacific Standard Time

I had to get offline early on Monday because I wasn't feeling well. I couldn't think of anything to write for my NaNo novel or anything else. I decided to take a break and get back to work today. I'm doing alright so far. I finished chapter ll in my novel and will start on chapter 12. Today I found it easier to write. It was easier to push through to the end of chapter 11.

I think I'll have to take more breaks during the day so that I don't get to the point where I can't think. Perhaps go outside for a little walk. I have to get a blood test early Thursday morning, but on Wednesday I think I'll stay home and continue to get caught up. Right now I'm going to post this and do some review before writing another chapter or anything like that.

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