Thursday, November 26, 2015

A Thankful Thanksgiving Thursday

Istijlal (Majesty), 4 Qawl (Speech), 172 BE - Thursday, November 26, 2015 about 7:29 AM Pacific Standard Time

I am thankful for
the chilly autumn morning
and pigeons cooing.

I am thankful for
a cinnamon rice breakfast
and hot black coffee.

I am thankful for
the ability to afford
my medication.

I am thankful for
the Thanksgiving memories
of my grandparents.

I am thankful for
the years I spent with Mama
her encouragement.

I am thankful for
the turkey in the oven
canned cranberry sauce.

I am thankful for
my doctors and pharmacist;
family and friends.

I am thankful for and Facebook;

I am thankful for
the beauty of Las Vegas;
locals and tourist.

I am thankful for
scriptures of the Baha'i Faith;
gratitude's prayers.

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