Friday, October 30, 2015

It's Friday and I'm Posting a Rant

Istiqlal (Independence), 15 ‘Ilm (Knowledge), 172 BE - Friday, October 30, 2015 about 5:47 PM Pacific Daylight Time

It's Friday! Friday can be depressing when I realize I haven't accomplished everything I wanted to this week. I have to make a few changes in the way I do things in November or I won't finish the 50,000 word novel. I spent October attempting to plan the novel. I like the theme, plot, and characters of the novel. I'm not enthusiastic writing the novel and I'm not sure why.

Perhaps it's because it takes so long for me to do anything any more. I'm alone in my apartment. I have to do all the housework myself and I'm not the greatest housekeeper in the world. I'm probably not the worst housekeeper either. I do the best I can, but sometimes I don't feel I accomplished anything. However, I can't give up. I have to keep trying because despite everything I do accomplish a little something. I would like to accomplish more.

Sometimes I think I just want to become a hermit. I want to lock the doors and not let anybody into my life. At other times I enjoy having people around. When I'm with people I have fun and enjoy the outings. Maybe the problem is October. It's been a weird month. I'm not making any sense at all. Maybe I should just delete this entire entry and start over. I'm not going to do it. I'm going to post this entry and get on with something else.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Midweek Reflections: Halloween Memories

'Idal (Justice), 13 ‘Ilm (Knowledge), 172 BE - Wednesday, October 28, 2015 about 5:00 PM Pacific Daylight Time

Halloween memories
like trick or treating children
come knocking at the door of my mind
bringing back sweet candy smiles.

That is a good start to a Halloween poem. I have so many pleasant Halloween memories that I don't know where to start. Perhaps I should use a specific form to focus the memories. Halloween is still three days away so I have a few days to work on this.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Meditation Monday: Listening to the birds

Kamal (Perfection), 11 ‘Ilm (Knowledge), 172 BE - Monday, October 26, 2015 about 8:00 AM Pacific Daylight Time

Open the front door,
stand there
as you focus on birdsong.

Listen to the choir
of robins and sparrows
as they intone their praise
in the first light of day.

Can you hear
the distant crowing
of a rooster?

Can you hear
the cooing of doves
and pigeons as the join
the sparrows serenade?

Autumn is here
and the birds are thankful
for the cool morning temperatures
we are experiencing
in Las Vegas.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Saturday Summary: Seven Days Left in October

Jalal (Glory), 9 ‘Ilm (Knowledge), 172 BE - Saturday, October 24, 2015 about 1:55 PM Pacific Daylight Time

There are seven days left in October. Seven days until Daylight Savings Time ends. Seven days to deal with the rest of October's weirdness. This year October has been a bit weirder then previous years, but I'm not sure why. I've had difficulty focusing on writing poetry this month. Normally I have no problem coming up with a theme and subject. In the past, I've had no problems following the specific form of a poem so that the rhythm flows properly.

This month I attempted to write an English sonnet. I got the syllable count and the rhyme scheme down fine. I stumbled over the rhythm, so now I have to rewrite the poem to get the rhythm right. The problem is whenever I start to rewrite, I stare at the screen or the page wondering how to change the poem to fit the rhythm. I suppose I could just give up and write another poem using the same subject and theme. However, that doesn't seem right. I can't give up the idea that this poem, with a bit more work, can become a perfect English sonnet. I wonder if William Shakespeare encountered this problem when he was writing English sonnets.

Friday, October 23, 2015

The End of Daylight Savings Time is Sunday, November 1

Istiqlal (Independence), 8 ‘Ilm (Knowledge), 172 BE - Friday, October 23, 2015 about 1:59 PM Pacific Daylight Time

This year, Daylight Savings Time ends on Sunday, November 1. I need to take note of it because I have two clocks to manually reset. I have to reset the clock on the stove and on the microwave. The rest of the clocks (the ones I go by) are automatically reset. I love modern technology, especially when it comes to clocks. The fewer clocks I have to reset the happier I am.

The only clock I have any difficulty resetting is the one on the microwave. I suppose I cloud just leave it the way it is right now and just reset the clock on the range. When I'm in the kitchen I use the electric range more then the microwave. In fact I use the microwave so little that it is still blinking from the last brown out we had in Las Vegas. I know that it occurred sometime in the summer, but I don't remember when.

Maybe I have too many clocks in my house. I have two in the kitchen, two in the living room, and one on my cellphone (which I carry with me). The clocks in the living room are on the cable box and the computer. Since I use the alarm on my cellphone I don't have an alarm clock. I used to have a radio alarm clock, but I give that away because I didn't use either the alarm or the radio. When I was younger I had a windup alarm, but I got rid of that clock years ago.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Midweek Reflections on Autumn in Las Vegas

'Idal (Justice), 6 ‘Ilm (Knowledgel), 172 BE - Wednesday, October 21, 2015 about 3:01 PM Pacific Daylight Time

Autumn is my favorite time of year in Las Vegas. The temperatures have descended into the double digits, so I don't have to have the cool air on. It isn't cold enough either during the day or at night to turn on the warm air. I can leave the door open all day and the window open all night without any problems. The birds sing all day because it is cool and the neighborhood children can play outside on the weekends.

Las Vegas autumn
Cool enough in the afternoon
To drive across the city
With my car windows open.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Saturday At Last and time to plan next week

Jalal (Glory), 2 ‘Ilm (Knowledge), 172 BE - Saturday, October 17, 2015 about 3:18 PM PDT

Saturday at last
time to plan the coming week:
Clean the refrigerator?

I have lights in my kitchen. The maintenance tech came yesterday and put light bulbs in every socket in t he house. I can now see to clean the stove, sweep the floors, and other things I need lights before I could clean them. I suppose I should start with the kitchen floor or under the kitchen sink. Under the kitchen sink is the easiest (I think). I have Pine Sol original and a sponge mop. I am not going to get down on my hands and knees to clean the floor. If I did that I would never be able to stand up. In fact, I would have to crawl into the living room so I could use the couch to help me get up off the floor.

I think t he best place to start is in the kitchen and that means I need to wash my mop bucket out again. I have to wash it out because I used it as a trash can and the plastic sack leaked. I can wash the mop bucket out tonight and then mop under the kitchen sink in the morning. I have t o mop under the sink because a plastic bag I used for trash leaked. The lesson in this is never put a trash in a plastic bag unless you have a trashcan to put the plastic bag in.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Midweek Reflections on the Blue Screen of Death

'Idal (Justice), 18 Mashíyyat (Will), 172 BE - Wednesday, October 14, 2015 about 4:08 PM Pacific Daylight Time

I just encountered the blue screen of death about five or ten minutes ago. Fortunately, I don't panic when things like this happen. I let the computer do whatever it was supposed to and it came back up. This is the first time I've encountered this issue with this computer this year. I put in a call to tech support, but they are off duty so I left a message. I'll call them again in the morning about 7:30 or 8:00 AM. I think tech support for this computer is back East so maybe I can call them earlier. I always up by 5:00 AM Pacific Time anyway.

I was composing a blog entry, so I didn't lose any lines of poetry or short story paragraphs. Next month is NaNoWriMo so I need to see if there is a problem before then. I will save things a little more often then I'm used to doting it, but it won't change anything else. At least I don't think it will. I did have more then one window open at the time, so that could have caused the problem. I think I had about three or four windows open which is unusual for me. Normally I work with only two windows open. I'll talk to tech support in the morning and see what they think.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Meditation Monday: Meditation, Prayer, and Writing Poetry

Kamal (Perfection), 16 Mashíyyat (Will), 172 BE - Monday, October 12, 2015 about 3:02 PM Pacific Daylight Time

For the past six or seven days I have attempted to write a sonnet. I begin with a specific theme in mind and attempted to push the theme even thought I could not get beyond the first line. Today I changed my tactics. After beating my head against the proverbial wall, I turned off the computer. I then found one of my prayer books, opened it to a specific prayer, and said the prayer. After saying the prayer (according to the directions) I meditated. After that I was able to begin the poem.

I chose another theme. Instead of writing a sonnet about the holy books (I will keep this theme for another poem) I wrote about my muse. I am using the voice of my muse to write the poem. That is I am writing the poem in the first person with the I being my muse or rather the poet's muse. This approach is working well and I now have two stanzas with two more stanzas to go.

I know better then to attempt to write a poem without a prayer and meditation session before I begin. I also know better then to attempt to force a theme when my muse or my subconsciousness (use whichever word you want) has other ideas. My problem is that I can get so focused on one idea that I forget that sometimes it is better to let the theme of the poem flow naturally.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Saturday Review of My Week

Jalal (Glory), 14 Mashíyyat (Will), 172 BE - Saturday, October 10, 2015 about 4:25 PM Pacific Daylight Time

It's been an interesting week. I got behind on some writing project which I caught up in a single day. The maintenance man came yesterday and fixed the hole in my wall. He also took measurements of the bedroom doors so they can be replaced. He is supposed to be back sometime next week to replace the light bulbs and fix the fan in the bathroom.

Today I wrote a story and submitted it to a contest on I still have a poem and another story to write. I will finished one of them tonight (I hope). I don't want to get behind again because it stresses me and I think it might raise my blood pressure. I'm not sure about the blood pressure, so I think the next time I go into Smiths Food and Drug store I will check it in there.

I also made soup this week. I warmed the soup up today for lunch and dinner. I think I may have enough left to eat it tomorrow. I live alone so when I cook soup or rice I have enough to feed me for two or three days..I guess I better post this and get on with the rest of my writing or housework whichever I intend to do this afternoon.

Thursday, October 08, 2015

Thankful Thursday: It's Beginning to Feel Like Autumn in Las Vegas

Istijlal (Majesty), 11 Mashíyyat (Will), 172 BE - Thursday, October 8, 2015 about 10:20 AM Pacific Daylight Tiem

Today I am thankful...

01. ...that the temperatures in Las Vegas have descended into the double digits because it is beginning to feel like autumn.

02. ...for fresh brewed coffee.

03. ...that I have the ingredients for vegetable soup in the house because autumn is soup time.

04. ...for the birds I hear singing in the pine trees across the street.

05. ...that my checking account is not overdrawn.

06. ...for the dawn clouds that were the color of peaches and cream this morning.

07. ...that I have several cans of ginger ale in the refrigerator so that I can have a can of soda this afternoon.

08. ...for the bottles of water I have in the freezer. Even in autumn and winter, I still like to drink ice water.

09. ...that I don't have to go to a store today because I have work here a home to catch up. I'll go to the store either Friday afternoon or Sunday.

10. ...for the beautiful autumn day I see every time I look out the windows and the door.

Tuesday, October 06, 2015

Autumn Rain

Fidal (Grace), 9 Mashíyyat (Will), 172 BE - Tuesday, October 6, 2015 about 6:07 PM Pacific Daylight Time

Yesterday it rained all day
From first light until after midnight.

The thunder rolled,
the lightning flashed,
and flash flood warnings
were proclaimed
on every television station.

The scent of rain
washed the air clean
to start the day
fresh and bright.

This morning
I opened a window
so that I could inhale
the fresh scent
of an autumn morning.

Sunday, October 04, 2015

An Autumn Afternoon in Las Vegas

Jamal (Beauty), 7 Mashíyyat (Will), 172 BE - Sunday, October 4, 2015 about Sunset Pacific Daylight Savings Time

It's October and fall has finally came to Las Vegas. The temperatures are in the double digits. It is cooler during the day and the night. This week rain showers are predicted for Sunday and Monday, but I didn't encounter any rain while I was driving across Las Vegas.

Autumn afternoon
double digit temperatures
under cloudy skies.

I saw dark rain clouds this morning when I was driving to the west side of town. It didn't rain in the area of town I was in, but that doesn't mean it didn't rain somewhere in Las Vegas. I haven't turned on the television, so I don't know if it rained anyplace in town or not.

I have too much work to get distracted by the television. I have to stop writing in a few minutes and fins something to eat. I brought some food home with me from my lunch, which I might eat. I was going to save it for breakfast; however, I'm getting hungry and since I may be up all night I should eat something substantial.

Friday, October 02, 2015

Happy Friday. Happy Laundry Day.

Istiqlal (Independence), 6 Mashíyyat (Will), 172 BE - Friday, October 2, 2015 about 5:31 PM Pacific Daylight Time

It's Friday.
It's laundry day.
So I loaded up the laundry-grocery cart
with dirty cloths
and drove to the laundromat.

Doing laundry on Friday morning
is a wonderful experience,
because the laundromat is almost empty
and I don't have to wait
for a washer or a dryer.

I don't have to carry quarters.
The laundromat I go to
is a twenty-fist century establishment;
they use debit cards
specifically attuned to the machines.

It's delightful to go in,
put my laundry card
in their debit machine
and know how much is on the card.

It's wonderful
to put bills into the debit card machine
and have it added to my laundry card.

Doing laundry
in the twenty-first century
is less stressful.