Saturday, October 17, 2015

Saturday At Last and time to plan next week

Jalal (Glory), 2 ‘Ilm (Knowledge), 172 BE - Saturday, October 17, 2015 about 3:18 PM PDT

Saturday at last
time to plan the coming week:
Clean the refrigerator?

I have lights in my kitchen. The maintenance tech came yesterday and put light bulbs in every socket in t he house. I can now see to clean the stove, sweep the floors, and other things I need lights before I could clean them. I suppose I should start with the kitchen floor or under the kitchen sink. Under the kitchen sink is the easiest (I think). I have Pine Sol original and a sponge mop. I am not going to get down on my hands and knees to clean the floor. If I did that I would never be able to stand up. In fact, I would have to crawl into the living room so I could use the couch to help me get up off the floor.

I think t he best place to start is in the kitchen and that means I need to wash my mop bucket out again. I have to wash it out because I used it as a trash can and the plastic sack leaked. I can wash the mop bucket out tonight and then mop under the kitchen sink in the morning. I have t o mop under the sink because a plastic bag I used for trash leaked. The lesson in this is never put a trash in a plastic bag unless you have a trashcan to put the plastic bag in.

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