Saturday, July 11, 2015

Saturday Summary: Seven things I did this week that made me happy

Jalal (Glory), 18 Raḥmat (Mercy), 172 BE - Saturday, July 11, 2015 about 1:17 pm Pacific Daylight Time

1. I attended the Commemoration of the Martyrdom of the Bab at noon on Friday.

2. I wrote to comedy poems and posted them in my port on

3. I purchased four plums when I went to the supermarket on Friday.

4. I purchased a bottle of moisturizing lotion with vitamin E when I went to the store on Wednesday .

5. I put several bottles of water in the freezer so that they will be frozen when I take them with me when I go shopping.

6. I opened the container of cranberry juice in the refrigerator and drink some of it,

7. I purchased some blueberries on Friday so that I can have blueberry hotcakes on Sunday.

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