Monday, July 20, 2015

Monday Morning Shock

Kamal (Perfection), 8 Kalimát (Words), 172 BE - Monday, July 20, 2015 about 11:53 am Pacific Daylight Time

Death comes suddenly
Arriving without warning
Takes family and friends

I learned of two deaths this morning when I logged into Facebook. The first was my youngest brother's father-in-law. The second was character actor Alex Rocco. My brother's father-in-law died of cancer, but I'm not sure what caused the death of Alex Rocco. I'm in too much shock right now to cry, so I will wait for the shock to pass so that the tears can fall.

Unexpected news
Even when you know it is

Everyone eventually dies. No human being is exempt from the kiss of the Grim Reaper. The only thing a person can do is prepare for the inevitable by praying, meditating, performing charitable acts, and placing our entire trust in God. Human beings cannot run away from death because we are always moving toward it no matter in which direction we travel.

Intone prayers for
those souls who have ascended
into paradise

Those of us who are left behind pray for the departed. We shed the tears of loneliness because our loved ones are no longer seen in this world. We shed tears because we miss them. The stages of grief pass and eventually we smile when we think of those departed souls.

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