Saturday, July 25, 2015

Saturday Summary: A Long Week of Spinning Wheels

Jalal (Glory), 13 Kalimát (Words), 172 BE - Saturday, July 25, 2015 about 2:25 pm Pacific Daylight Time

It's end of a long week, I feel as if I've been spinning my wheels without getting any where. I don't think that's true, at least not according to the daily account I keep. I accomplished several things, I think the problem is I wanted to accomplish more. I need to be thankful for what I accomplished.

Sometimes it's difficult for me to do things especially if I have to get up on a step stool to get stuff down from the top shelf of a cabinet. I noted this today when I got a bottle of salad dressing down. I think I'll leave the stuff on the top shelves until my sister comes to get them down. I have enough salad dressing to last me this week end. I have some canned vegetables I can get to if I want those to eat. There is meat in the freezer, so it's not as if I'm going to starve. I will do what I can do and ask if help when I need it.

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