Sunday, May 24, 2015

Spiritual Sunday: Sunday Morning in Las Vegas

Jamal (Beauty), 8 ‘Aẓamat (Grandeur), 172 BE - Sunday, May 24, 2015 about 10:50 am Pacific Daylight Time

White clouds and blue sky
Gentle breeze dancing through trees
Morning prayers said.

It's a beautiful and spiritual morning in my Las Vegas neighborhood. The neighbors are at peace with each other this morning. A dog barks a greeting to someone while birds fly or sing in the limbs of pine, olive, and oak trees. The palm frowns sway whispering their prayers to the wind.

Prayer book open
To praise and gratitude
Intone Baha'u'llah's words.

A new week begins. The last week in May 2015 begins with prayer and meditation. There are no worries about this week because everything is placed in God's hand. There are no worries because God's plan moves forward at a steady pace as the minutes and hours flow forward into the future.

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