Monday, May 04, 2015

Meditation Monday: A Tranquil Mind

Kamal (Perfection), 7 Jamál (Beauty), 172 BE - Monday, May 4, 2015 about 12:00 pm Pacific Daylight Time

I listen to the sparrows of morning
intoning their praise to dawn,
singing their joy for another day of life
and happiness.

I intone my prayers on rising
in the first light of day,
my praise joining the sparrow

Tranquil thoughts embrace my mind,
as I begin a new day
and a new week.

The birds are not blue because
today is Monday,
they are happy
that a new day has dawned
nor do they worry
about what tomorrow will bring.

I inhale the fragrance of morning,
I place the day
and the week in God's hands knowing
that it the way
to achieve a tranquil mind.

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