Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Midweek Reflections on Socks and Laundry

Idal (Justice), 4 ‘Aẓamat (Grandeur), 172 BE - Wednesday, May 20, 2015 8:44 am Pacific Daylight Time

I washed my socks out
today in the bathroom sink
using laundry detergent.

It is unusual for me to wash my socks out using laundry detergent because normally I use either shampoo or dish washing liquid. When I returned home from the laundromat yesterday, I brought the open jug of laundry detergent into the house. Usually I leave the detergent in the car because I don't have a washer or dryer in my apartment and it's easier to keep the laundry soap in the car rather then find a place to store it in my studio apartment.

As I washed my socks
I contemplated the metaphor
of laundry and the meaning of life.

I didn't take my dirty socks to the laundromat because I usually lose one in either the washer or the dryer. When I wrung my wet socks out, after the second rinse, I noticed that I had five socks. Since I wear two socks at a time, this meas I am missing a sock. I guess it doesn't matter where I wash my socks because I'm probably going to end up with missing a sock.

Where do lost socks go
when you lose them in the wash?
Do monsters eat them?

Since I only managed to do half the laundry yesterday, I'll have to do laundry again this month. I'll plan another trip to the laundromat next week sometime. Of course, I could change my mind and go on Thursday of Friday of this week.

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