Sunday, November 16, 2014

November Haibun

Jamal (Beauty), 13 Qudrat (Power), 171 BE - Sunday, November 16, 2014 about 7:15 am Pacific Standard Time

chilly November
ghost clouds float across the sky
sun cast dark shadows

It's typical November Sunday morning with bright sunshine and scattered clouds. I look out my window and notice a slight breeze ruffling the palm fronds. I know the day will warm as the sun rises higher in the sky, therefore, I will wait until around noon to take out the trash.

a chilly morning
the middle of November
hot cup of coffee

I made one carafe of coffee this morning. It's almost gone because I used some of it on my cold cereal instead of milk. Normally I make only one carafe of coffee a day, but this morning I will make another because it warms me and brings back memories of my childhood.

Grandpa drink coffee
he brewed a pot every day
sometimes more then one

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