Thursday, November 13, 2014

Thankful Thursday: November 13, 2014

Istijlal (Majesty), 10 Qudrat (Power), 171 BE - Thursday, November 13, 2014 about 1:55 pm Pacific Standard Time

It is Thankful Thursday and it is Peanut Butter Lover's Month, a wonderful combination since I have two small jars of peanut butter in the house.

Today I am thankful...

01. ...for the loaf sandwich bread because I can have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

02. ...for the jar of grape jelly have sitting on the shelf in my kitchen because my favorite peanut butter and jelly sandwich is made with grape jelly.

03. ...for the two unopened jars of peanut butter I have because I can stay home this weekend without worrying about running out of peanut butter.

04. ...for the coffee I have in the Tupperware© canister because I can have a cup of hot coffee with my peanut butter and grape jelly sandwich.

05. ...that my checking account is not overdrawn today.

06. ...that I was able to pay the power bill this month without asking someone for help.

07. ...that the weather is not too hot or too cold because that means that I do not have to turn the central air unit on.

08. ...that I was able to fill up the gas tank of my car this month. Normally I just keep the tank half full because that is all the gas I can afford to purchase.

09. ...that I have a bowl of mixed fruit and Jell-o© salad in the refrigerator for snacks this weekend.

10. ...for the two slices of cake I  received today when I picked up my food bags because now I can have cake and coffee for breakfast.

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