Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Midweek Reflections: What I have learned about my depression

‘Idál (Justice), 10 Rahmat (Mercy), 170 BE – Wednesday, July 3, 2013 about 11:18 AM Pacific Daylight Time

July 3, 2013 and the year is half over. There are only a few more months until my birthday and I turn 67. I have to begin making some changes in my life and my attitude. It seems to me that I have spent the last six months depressed; however, I know that is not true.

I know that there have been hours, days, and weeks during the past six months that the depression did not rear its ugly head. I have learned that if I get out of the house, especially during the daylight hours I am less depressed.

I know that worry adds to my depression and that prayer helps alleviate the worry. When I put a situation in God’s hands, I worry less and therefore am less depressed. I also know that taking action on a situation alleviates my worry, which helps disperse the darkness and negative thoughts that indicate I am depressed.

Another thing that helps assuage my depression is writing. It does not seem to matter what I write because focusing on the words takes my focus off my depression and worries. It also helps to write about what I am worried about, which I do in my off line journal.

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