Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Day by Day I am making progress

‘Idál (Justice) 5 Kalimát (Words) , 170 BE - Wednesday, July 17, 2013 about 10:15 AM Pacific Daylight Time

I am making progress. I am moving forward a little at a time. Sometimes I wonder if I am making progress fast enough. Sometimes I think I could go faster or make better decisions. However, I am doing the best I can under the circumstances.

Yesterday, my sister came down from Searchlight and took several of Mom's unfinished or never got started craft projects with her. She took the paints that went with them or, at least, those I could find. She knows someone in Searchlight who does  that sort of thing and cloud find people to do the projects. I made some progress getting something out of the house.

I am doing the best I can under the circumstances. Today the circumstances include depression and tears, which have nothing to do with the stuff my sister took back to Searchlight yesterday. Today I am depressed about bills and the choices I need to make to pay them. At this point, the only action I can see to take is prayer because that is the only action I can take right now.

I am making progress
sometimes it is two steps forward
and on step back,
but it is progress just the same.

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