Sunday, July 21, 2013

Another Thunderstorm Last Night in Las Vegas

Jamál (Beauty), 9 Kalimát (Words), 170 BE – Sunday, July 21, 2013 about 9:30 AM Pacific Daylight Time

There was another thunderstorm last night in Las Vegas. Winds and flash flood warnings, as well as lightning, thunder, and rain, accompanied this storm. This morning there are two small puddles of water in my driveway, while limbs and branches from trees litter all the yards in this neighborhood.

Fortunately, I took my trashcan in the garage yesterday afternoon, so it did not fill with water the way it did the night before. I do not know why I left the trashcan sitting in the driveway since Wednesday. I will not do that again.

The pine tree in my front yard is still standing. Because we had high winds both Saturday and Sunday night, I consider it a miracle that the pine tree is still standing. The only debris I have seen today are from the trees, so I guess people are trying to avoid littering this neighborhood. Of course, I have not been on Eastern or Maryland Parkway today, so I do not know how the litter situation is on those streets.

Lightning and thunder
Wind, rain, and flash flood warnings
A normal monsoon season

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