Saturday, December 01, 2012

My Method of Mourning

Jalál (Glory), 9 Qawl (Speech), 169 BE – Saturday, December 1, 2012 about 9:20 A.M. Pacific Time

My mother died on the morning of November 29, 2012. On the afternoon, of November 30, 2012 we, my sister, one brother, and I, with the help of someone from the mortuary, planned Mom’s funeral. This morning, I wrote a poem about her soul ascending into paradise and submitted it to a contest on

As I was reading the poem again, after someone reviewed it, I realized that my method of mourning was to write. My method of dealing with anything is to write. Sometimes I find writing difficult in the middle of a crisis, but if I push on and let one word follow another then I can cope with the situation. I just have to place everything in God’s hands, sit down at the computer, open a document, and write.

Sometimes it’s difficult to write about the tests I’m facing in the midst of the crisis, at those time I have to write about something else or begin a free write. If I use a free write then eventually the problem show up in the writing and I find a solution or comfort.

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