Saturday, December 22, 2012

A Sparrow Singing

Jalál (Glory), 11 Masá’il (Questions), 169 BE – Saturday, December 22, 2012 about 8:35 A.M. Pacific Time

a sparrow singing
in the cold December dawn
a new day begins

I heard a bird singing about dawn this morning. I think the bird was a sparrow perching in the oak tree next door. As I listened to it sing, I remembered a December morning several years ago when Mom and I sat on the living room couch listening to sparrows sing.

When Mom was younger and healthy, she always liked to get up before dawn to get her day started. Mom was an early riser, who did not like to sleep in. It did not matter what the season, Mom liked to get up before dawn and begin housework. I miss those mornings with Mom, listening to birds sing or the morning news.

a sparrow singing
in the cold December dawn
the end of the week

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