Thursday, January 19, 2012

Thankful Thursday: Today I am thankful that my washing machine does not flood my living room

Istijlál (Majesty), 1 Sultán (Sovereignty), 168 BE – Thursday, January 19, 2012 about 2:45 PM Pacific Time

All right, perhaps “flood my living room” is an overstatement. The drainpipes overflowed during the spin cycle. It wasn’t enough water to flood the living room, but after two or three loads that’s what it felt like.

A plumber fixed the pipes on Tuesday and now they don’t overflow during the spin cycle. I washed two loads Tuesday evening and four or five loads on Wednesday. Today, I have only managed to wash three loads, but that was because I had a medical appointment this morning.

It is cloudy outside, so I’m hanging the clothes indoors on the drying rack. I have to catch up on the washing, so I have to hang them indoors. The clothes don’t dry as quickly indoors as outside, but I have to do laundry and I can’t wait for the clouds to clear.

I am thankful that the water doesn’t overflow the drainpipes in the spin cycle. Now I can wash my sheets without using them to soak up the water in my living room. It feels good not to have to worry about water in the living room. Since I’m drying my clothes in the house, I have to figure out a way to dry the sheets indoors. It is difficult to dry sheets on a drying rack meant to hold clothes on hangers.

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