Saturday, January 14, 2012

On Stay at Home Saturday I want a little red wagon

Jalál (Glory), 15 Sharaf (Honor), 168 BE – Saturday, January 14, 2012 about 6:15 AM Pacific Time

It is stay at home Saturday, January 14, 2012 and I want a little red wagon or some other piece of equipment that will help me get the recyclable bins to the curb. Today is recyclable day in my neighborhood, so I should carry the bins down to the curb for the recyclable trucks. I do not think that will happen this week because I strained my rotator cuff again.

Even with a strained rotator cuff, I can roll the trashcan to the curb without difficulty. The problem is picking up the recyclable bins and carrying them to the curb. You would think that a plastic bin full of empty bottles or cans would be easy; however, picking them up and carrying them to the curb puts more strain on my left shoulder and rotator cuff.

Just thinking about lugging two or three bins full of papers, plastic bottles, and cans makes my shoulder ache. Since the only people in this house are my mother and me, I am the one who carries the bins to the curb. This morning, I will roll the trashcan to the curb and carry the recyclable bin labeled “cans and plastic bottles” to the curb. I am not going to attempt to carry the bin labeled “newspapers” to the curb today.

The recyclable trucks come again in two weeks. Between now and then I should be able to figure out a way to get that bins to the curb. My rotator cuff ought to heal enough by then for me to carry all the recyclable bins to the curb. It is times like these when I wish I had a man or someone around to help carry the bins to the curb.

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