Thursday, September 29, 2011

Thoughts on our October’s Menu

Istijlál (Majesty), 3 Mashíyyat (Will), 167 BE – Thursday, September 29, 2011 about 11:05 AM Pacific Time

I have to make a daily menu for October because I am tired of trying to figure out what I want to eat. I have plenty of food in the house, which could be the issue when it concerns fixing something to eat for myself. Mom spends Monday through Friday at the Day Care Center, so she gets two meals there.

Mom can eat four means a day, so I have to find two meals for her during the week and four meals on weekends. Sometimes I can eat four meals a day and sometimes only two. We have pasta and canned vegetables, so most of the meals in October will consist of that. I know that for breakfast, I will eat cereal, but I think I will cook rice for Mom to eat.

There is only one box of Mom’s cereal left and she cannot eat my cereal because of the high fiber content. White rice has little or no dietary, so I will fix that for her breakfast. If she wants something to go with it, I will give her canned fruit or milk. Mom likes milk, she drinks at least one cup of milk in the morning.

Because the hearing aids require a co-pay, the October budget is tight. I only hope that Mom does not lose the new hearing aids. If she does, I do not know what we are going to do.

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