Saturday, September 24, 2011

Water cold or at room temperature

Jalál (Glory), 17 ‘Izzat (Might), 167 BE – Saturday, September 24, 2011 about 4:55 PM Pacific Time

I read somewhere that a person drinks more water at room temperature then when the water is cold. This is not how it works for me. I do not enjoy drinking water at room temperature. I prefer my water cold and I will drink more water if it is cold then if it is at room temperature.

I believe I acquired this habit or perhaps I should say this taste when I was a child. My Mother and Grandmother always kept water in the refrigerator. At that time, when I drink water I always got it out of the fridge or I put ice cubes in it.

Today, I will not drink water at room temperature. Before I take a sip of water, I put ice cubes in the glass. If the ice cubes melt then I go to the refrigerator and get more ice cubes. I am not talking about one or two cubes. I fill my water container full of ice cubes before I pour the water into it. Then when I put the water in the container, I get it out of the pitcher I keep in the refrigerator. I do not like water at room temperature. If I have to drink it because I am thirsty and have no ice, I will drink it, but only as a last resort.

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