Monday, September 14, 2009

On Monday Evening I miss the stars

Fidál (Grace), 8 ‘Izzat (Might), 166 BE – Monday, September 14, 2009 about 7:08 PM Pacific Time

It's Monday evening, I sit at my computer glancing out my living room window at random intervals. The sky blushes pink, which indicates that the sun is below the western mountains. It will soon be completely dark in Las Vegas and Clark County Nevada or as dark as it ever gets in a city the size of Las Vegas.

Sometimes when I go out after dark, I can look directly overhead and see a few stars. This is on clear nights when there are no clouds. Normally I go out and check my car doors before night fall, but I'm going to wait until it gets a little darker to check them tonight. Tonight I'm waiting until dark because I want to look up into the night sky and see a few stars.

It's been a long time since I saw more then a few stars at night. I haven't seen the only two constellations I can identify in a couple of years. The only constellations I can identify are the big dipper and the little dipper and in order to see them it has to get a lot darker then it does in Las Vegas. To see constellations I have to go out side the city.

I miss the stars. I miss being able to go out my front door, looking up into the night sky and seeing hundreds of stars twinkling.

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