Thursday, September 03, 2009

It looks like sunset

Istijlál (Majesty), 15 Asmá’ (Names), 166 BE – Thursday, September 3, 2009 about 1:34 PM Pacific Time

It's only about 1:30 PM here in Las Vegas and it looks like sunset. The clouds have gathered, they cover the entire sky. I did laundry this morning, I brought the cloths into the house about 12:30 and they were dry. It's a good thing I didn't plan to do any more laundry today.

I don't know if it's going to rain or not. We don't have a T.V. that works, so I haven't look at the news in a while. I do get a daily paper, but normally I don't read the weather for cast. I also get weather information in one of my e-mail boxes, but I haven't read that either.

It doesn't matter to me whether it rains today or not. I'm home and I have no intention of going anywhere until tomorrow. I went to the store yesterday and bought several items. I bought a case of water, two twelve packs of Dr. Pepper, a large can of coffee and a large container of chocolate ice cream. I have meat in the freezer and potatoes in the fridge.

Most of the bills I can pay online, so I really don't need to get out of the house for anything. I have enough laundry detergent and fabric softener to last me a few days. The cats have enough dry food for two or three days. In addition, we don't have to get any of our meds refilled until Saturday or Sunday. There just isn't any reason to get out of the house today.

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