Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Feast of Mashiyyat (Will)

Jamál (Beauty), 1 Mashiyyat (Will), 166 BE – Sunday, September 27, 2009 about 3:57 PM Pacific Time

Mom and I attended the Feast of Mashiyyat (Will) last night. The feast was spiritual and the reading were beautiful. I did have a little problem with my dentures when I was reading. This is the first time this has happened, my dentures shifted in my mouth while I was reading. Normally, the shift or move around when I am eating, but not when I am reading aloud.

Thinking about it, I have to admit it was humorous. After spiritual and business portion of the Feast came to social portion. The dentures stayed in place while I ate a couple of pieces of cantaloupe. Of course, I took small bites and ate slowly. I have found that is the best approach to the denture issue when eating. Now all I have to do is figure out what to do when the dentures shift while I am talking or reading.

I am not going to stop attending the nineteen-day Feast or agreeing to read when asked. I just have to figure out what to do about the denture issue. Perhaps I am using the wrong type of denture adhesive; maybe I should be using a powder instead of the type I am using.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

God, does have a sense of humor. I am sure there is a solution here for a better adhesive (I personally do not know...sorry) but, I think humour is what tends to keep us humble in a comforting way. We are children in God's eyes and is still looking after us.