Friday, September 25, 2009

Friday at Last

Istiqlál (Independence), 18 ‘Izzat (Might), 166 BE – Friday, September 25, 2009 about 4:43 AM Pacific Time

When I was a child, Friday seemed a bigger deal then it does today. Perhaps it had to do with being out of school for two days and visiting my grandparents. We stayed with Grandma and Grandpa on the weekends. That's one advantage of living in the same town with one set of grandparents, you can see them more then once a year.

I remember weekends as special, perhaps because we (my brothers, sister and me) spent them with my grandparents. I don't think we did things differently then we did at home. In spring and summer, Grandpa took us to the Lake; I think it was staying with my grandparents that made the weekends special.

The weekends don't seem special anymore. Friday isn't as exciting as when I was a child. I think I'm in a rut. Today I plan to go to the bank, withdraw some money and pay a bill. Wednesday I went to the bank and did the same thing. Thursday I went to the dentist to get my lower dentures adjusted again. Friday just doesn't seem special anymore.

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