Sunday, March 26, 2017

Sunday Morning Epiphany

Jamál (Beauty), 7 Bahá (Splendour), 174 BE - Sunday, March 26, 2017 CE about 10:07 AM Pacific Daylight Time 

I realized late last night or early this morning, while composing today's entry in my in my blog, that I have a positive outlook on the future of humanity. After meditating on this for a few minutes, I decided that this outlook comes from being a Baha'I. I look beyond the present situation of the human race to a time when world peace will be establishes. 

I know this positive outlook didn't occur immediately after I declared my belief in Baha'u'llah. It took a while for it to develop. The things that changed my negative attitude to a positive one was reading the scriptures and saying the prayers revealed by Baha'u'llah and the Central Figures of the Baha'I Faith. Studying and meditating on the sacred scriptures changed my view of the future of the human race. 

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Thursday Thoughts on Falling Asleep

Istijlál (Majesty), 4 Bahá (Splendour), 174 BE - Thursday, March 23, 2017 CE about 10:45 AM Pacific Daylight Time 
"Research indicates that you should end screen time well before bedtime for quality sleep. What is your take on this, do you believe it makes a difference or not?" Blog Prompt 

I usually get off the computer about twenty to thirty minutes before I go to the recliner I sleep in. It takes me around thirty minutes to get ready for sleep. After I sit down then I put some eye drops in my eyes, take medication, put lotion on my feet and legs, say prayer and read something. This takes me about an hour. 
Once this is done I put another type of eye drops in my eyes, turn out the light and attempt to go to sleep.
My smartphone usually lays on the wooden television stand on the left side of the recliner. Also on that stand is my prayer book, a loose leaf notebook, a pen, the pillbox containing my morning meds, and a bottle of water. I close my eyes and attempt to fall asleep. Sometimes it is easy to fall asleep and sometimes it is difficult. If I find it difficult to sleep then I meditate by closing my eyes and focusing my mind on something pleasant. The only time I don't have any difficulty falling asleep is when I eat some chocolate before laying down. 
I don't think putting my phone farther from my sleeping recliner would make any difference. At least it hasn't made a difference the few times I've left it on the desk by my computer. I also don't think sleeping in a bed or on the couch would make any difference. When I sleep in a bed my back hurts so badly that I can't sleep. When I sleep on the couch I can't raise my feet up comfortably. My doctor has told me to sleep with my feet up. The only solution to my sleeping problems is to sleep on a recliner. 

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

I Write with the Help of God

‘Idál (Justice), 3 Bahá (Splendour), 174 BE - Wednesday, March 22, 2017 CE about 5:22  PM Pacific Daylight Time 

The subject of this week's edition of the spiritual newsletter was "Inspirational Writing". The editor discussed the difficulty of writing spiritual and inspirational pieces. This got me to thinking about my writing which sometimes covers these subjects. I find it difficult to write about these subjects unless I have a personal experience to convey.  

I write with the help of God 
Stating my experiences and beliefs 
As clearly as I am able 
At any given moment. 

I write with the help of God's Glory 
Prayerfully attempting to say 
What I understand 
At any given  moment. 

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Memories of my Mother

Jamál (Beauty), 19 ‘Alá’ (Loftiness), 173 BE - Sunday, March 19, 2017 CE about 12:32 PM Pacific Daylight Time 

My mother was born 96 years ago  today on a farm in Oklahoma. Mom grew up in a farming community. She met and married my father sometime during World War II. Dad was stationed at Nellis in Las Vegas, Nevada, and Mom worked at a maid at the county hospital here in Las Vegas. The hospital she worked at is now University Medical Center located on West Charleston Avenue. 

After my parents divorce Mom worked as a waitress at Bob's Grill in Blackwell, Oklahoma. We lived in a house on West College in Blackwell and I attended the grade school just down the street from where we lived. In Blackwell, we attended both the First Southern Baptist Church and the First Southern Baptist mission, which was located in the Smelter Heights. Eventually we moved to Shawnee, Oklahoma, where I graduated from  high school. 

We eventually moved to Las Vegas, Nevada. In Las Vegas, Mom worked at the Showboat Hotel Casino as a waitress in the coffee shop and later in the employees dining room. It was in Las Vegas that Mom and I heard about the Baha'I Faith and declared our belief in Baha'u'llah. Mom ascended into the Abha Kingdom on February 29, 2012. 

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Saturday Review: A Very Good Week

Jalál (Glory), 18 ‘Alá’ (Loftiness), 173 BE - Saturday, March 18, 2017 CE about 12:00  PM Pacific Daylight Time 

It's been a very good week for writing and reviewing. I wrote two St.  Patrick's Day limericks, which is as close as I come to celebrating St. Patrick's Day. I started a short story for a contests plus I responded to several blog prompts. This weekend I have to finish a newsletter and the story I started. I'm not sure if that is all I have to do this weekend. I'll find out as the days pass. 

Monday is the vernal equinox. The first day of spring is always nice. It is also Naw-Ruz the New Year that I celebrate. Therefore, after I finish the newsletter, I'll write a Dear Me letter to myself in one of my online journals. Other than that I'm planning to relax and take a short walk on Saturday and Sunday sometime. 

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Midweek Reflections on the Ides of March, St. Patrick's Day and Limericks

‘Idál (Justice), 15 ‘Alá’ (Loftiness), 173 BE - Wednesday, March 15, 2017 CE about 12:15  PM Pacific Daylight Time 

Today is the Ides of March and all that means is that we're half-way through the third month of the Gregorian calendar. In the Roman calendar this day was marked by numerous religious observances and it was the day that Julius Caesar was killed in 44 BC. That seems to be the only thing that makes the Ides of March famous. Since Julius Caesar was warned to beware the Ides of March I suspect there is a lesson in there somewhere. I'm not going to attempt to figure out what the lesson is because I have other, more important, things to think about. 

St. Patrick's Day is on Friday, March 17, and it, like the Ides of March, is based on a religious celebration. St. Patrick's Day is the Feast of St. Patrick, who is the patron saint of Ireland. According to tradition and legend March 17 is the date St. Patrick died. Since I wasn't there in 461 AD when that occurred I just have to accept the story as it is told. 

One of the things about Ireland I like is limericks. I don't know of St., Patrick every told or wrote a limerick, but since he was in Ireland I guess he must have. I'll have to do a bit of research on that. I'll also have to check my poems to see if I ever wrote a limerick about St. Patrick or Ireland. I did write a limerick today, but it has nothing to do with St. Patrick. The limerick I wrote is about spring and summer. 

There was a young woman named Spring,  
Who was in love with a singer called Bing,
  On a bright summer day,
  She caught him with May, 
 Now Bing is unable to sing. 

Monday, March 13, 2017

Happy National Napping Day

Kamál (Perfection), 13 ‘Alá’ (Loftiness), 173 BE - Monday, March 13, 2017 CE about 12:31 PM Pacific Daylight Time 

National Napping Day is the day after the beginning of Daylight Savings Time. This is a good time for it because most people are still dealing with Daylight  Savings Time hangover. It's that feeling you get for the first few days after the beginning of Daylight Savings Time. So take a few minutes today to take a  power nap. This type of nap last only 15 or 20 minutes. Since this is National Napping Day maybe you should take two power naps to celebrate. 

Saturday, March 11, 2017

The First Signs of Spring: A Poem

Jalál (Glory), 11 ‘Alá’ (Loftiness), 173 BE - Saturday, March 11, 2017 CE about 10:35 AM Pacific Standard Time 

Spring beautiful spring 
Sparrow and black birds sing 
Their mating calls ring 

Spring in Las Vegas 
Temperatures rise 
Watery eyes 

Spring musical spring 
Pigeons nest in palms 
Sparrow in pines 
Olive pollen flies 
Across the city skies 

Friday, March 10, 2017

Friday Contemplations

Istiqlál (Independence), 10 ‘Alá’ (Loftiness), 173 BE - Friday, March 10, 2017 CE about 1:53 PM Pacific Standard Time 

Contemplating forms of poetry, 
Considering metaphors and similes 
And wondering 
If I should call my doctor 
Or wait for her office to call me. 

On Tuesday 
I had an unltrasound 
Of my legs; 
The technician said 
My doctor would receive 
The results in two days. 

It's been two days 
The doctor should have received 
The results by now, 
but I'll give the office until Monday 
Before making the call. 

In the meantime 
Walk twice a day, 
And write. 

Monday, March 06, 2017

Monday Meanderings: It's Been a Good Day, So Far

Kamál (Perfection), 6 ‘Alá’ (Loftiness), 173 BE - Monday, March 6, 2017 CE about 3:00 PM Pacific Standard Time 

It's been a good day, so far. We went to a couple of food banks this morning to pick up some foodstuff. Living on a fixed income is a pain because we can't always chose the type of food I want to eat. In addition we can't go out to eat at higher end restaurants. I know this sounds odd, but maintaining a decent weight is difficulty when you don't have any control over the type of food you eat. It's also difficulty to follow an eating plan for medical issues. 

It's been a good day, so far. I managed to do some writing this morning before we left for the food banks. When we returned I logged into and did some reviews. I also did some surveys this afternoon. I enjoy doing most of the surveys. Sometimes I get frustrated because I don't qualify for a survey. Sometimes I get a bit frustrated because some surveys take so long and keep asking the same question phrased differently. My frustration usually leaves when I see that I've either earned points or cash. 

It's been a good day, so far. The March/April issues of The American Baha'I came today. Now I have something interesting to read before I go to sleep or when I take a break from the computer. I also have something to take with me when I go to medical appointments. It usually take at least an hour to see one of my doctors or a nurse practitioner. I usually see the doctor about every three or four appointments and the rest of the time I see the nurse. 

It's been a good day, so far. I'm singing off now because I have other things to do inorder for it to remain a good day.