Saturday, June 18, 2016

Saturday Speculations: Cleaning out my e-mail inbox

Jalal (Glory), 15 Núr (Light) 173 BE - Saturday, June 18, 2016 about 10:33 AM Pacific Daylight Time 

Prompt: Let's talk about email here on WDC. What do you do to keep your inbox under control? What should be saved and what should be trashed? Organization is important to me, how about with you? 

Above is the prompt from one of the blogging groups I belong to on I'm responding to it in this blog because I couldn't think of a response when I made today's entry in my blog. Apparently I need to warm up before I can respond to a prompt about organizing my e-mail box. All right, I'm not the most organized person in America or on the planet. I attempt to organize my e-mail inboxes, but I quickly get bored. As soon as I get bored with the job then I get distracted. 

I have managed to clean my inbox a bit. I deleted some of the mail and others I put in folders to deal with later. The problem is that only about three of the folder titles tell me what's in the folder. I'm a little more organized with the folders in my inbox. At least, those have titles that suggest the type of e-mail in them. 

I think I'll have to set aside thirty minutes each day to work on one of my inboxes. I can deal with e-mail for thirty minutes without getting bored. If I do thirty minutes each day then it won't take me long to get the inboxes and the folders organized properly. 

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