Monday, June 27, 2016

Meditation Monday: Prayer

Kamal (Perfection), 5 Raḥmat (Mercy), 173 BE - Monday, June 27, 2016 about 5:15 PM Pacific Daylight Time 

Prayer alleviates worry and put every situation or problem in God's hands. Today I had to spend about  $132.00 for a new battery. I purchased the battery from AAA and it came with a six year warranty, which is good in this climate. I have enough in my account to pay for the battery, but that puts me a bit short for the rent due on July 1. 

My Social Security check usually arrives on the third of the month, which will help cover the shortage for the rent. I have about a five or ten day grace period for the rent, so I'll be able to pay the rent by the third. However, this will put me short for either the power bill or the internet bill.  Both, of which, are not  due until the middle of July. 

After realizing I would be short, I said one of the prayer revealed by Baha'u'llah. I feel better now. I am no longer worried because I know the money will arrive when I need it. Prayer works wonders in alleviating worry because it helps focus the mind and soul on a higher power. It also helps the mind figure out how to solve a problem because a prayerful mind is not a stress filled mind. 

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