Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Midweek reflection April 14, 2010

‘Idál (Justice), 6 Jalál (Glory), 167 BE – Wednesday, April 14, 2010 about 7:50 AM Pacific Time

Three have past
and there are three days left,
the week is half-gone:
Where did it go?

It is Wednesday, hump day and the rest of the week is down hill. I hear the trash collection trucks as they make their midweek rounds. The noise of the garbage trucks is a comforting sound; it is a pleasant sound. Trash is collected twice a week, on Wednesday and Saturday, and recyclable every other week on Saturday.

The week is half-gone:
Where did it go?
Please answer my question
because I am not sure I know.

The week is half over and my browser seems to get more stuborn all the time. I do not know the problem; I do not know how to solve the problem. I have to find a solution because it is difficult working on line with a slow browser. I suspect most of the past three days slipped away while I dealt with the slow browser.

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