Sunday, November 04, 2007

Feast of Qudrat 164 B.E.

1 Qudrat 164 B.E. - Sunday, November 4, 2007 about 9:46 AM PST

I attended the Feast of Qudrat last night at the home of a friend. I always like attending Feast whether it is in some one's home or at the Baha'i Center. Qudrat, which means power, is the 13th month of the Baha'i Calendar.

The theme for last nights Feast was love. The readings chosen were from the writings of 'Abdu'l-Baha. They concerned the four types of love.

The Four Types of Love

The first type is the love from God to humanity. This type of love is the source of all the graces and attributes of God.

The second type is the love going from humanity to God. This is faith and it attracts the divine bounties.

The third type is God's love for the identity of God Himself.

The fourth type is the love of the individual human for another. This type of love exists between the souls of humanity.

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