Friday, November 30, 2007

The Blessing of an Autumn Rain

8 Qawl 164 B.E. - Friday, November 30 about 11:47 AM PST

It's raining today
I can hear the patter-patter
of raindrops on my cement driveway.

I can feel the chill of winter
when I step out my front door
and when I look out my living room window
I can see the cloud covered sky.

This is a beautiful rainy fall day
when all you want to do is drink something hot
and eat something hot.

This isn't an ice cream day,
it's a hot chocolate, a mint tea or hazel nut coffee day;
it's the kind of day you want to wrap in a warm blanket,
with a steaming cup of hot chocolate
and the Tablets of the Lord of Host.

This is the type of day
you don't want to go out,
but you know you're going to have to brave the weather
to get the hot chocolate mix
you forgot to get
when you went to the store yesterday.

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