Saturday, October 13, 2007

Solved the Mouse Problem

I've solved the mouse problem, at least temperarly. I think I'm going to have to either get a new mouse or move the one I have to a coffee stand so that the cord doesn't get tangled. I think that's the problem with the mouse, the cord gets tangled and the signals don't go through. Of course, moving the mouse, so that the cord remains straight, is only a temporary fix. I think I'll eventually have to get a new mouse.

Right now though I can use the mousekeys to move the pointer, click and drop and drag (I haven't tried this yet). Moving the mouse pointer with the key on the key pad isn't too bad. It's slow and I can't use the keys for numbers without extra key strokes. I'll use the number on the top of the regular keyboard. I usually use those number anyway so it isn't a big change. I've printed out all the instructions for using the keypad so their in front of me (just in case my short term memory decides to take a vacation on this).

Using the numbered keypad may be a good exercise in patience. It's great to solve a problem without help. I feel like I could solve any problem that confronts me. This was an interesting test, even if it was caused by a technological component rather than a spiritual component. I still haven't decided whether to remove the pass word from my log in and just let the computer start up without it. I don't suppose that's a good idea. I'll have to see how things go in the next few day before I know for sure.

It's not like there is anyone in the house I can't trust. The only other person here is Mom. I'm was going to set her up with a password to this machine so that she could use it to check her bank account. Her compute has the software to connect to the Internet it just doesn't have a long enough telephone cord.

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